Meals on Wheels insulated hot food transport box performance test
Meals on Wheels hot food transport box performance test using an economy Thermobox.
This test was carried out in typical, but not ideal conditions using a 1/2 GN economy Thermobox containing only four ready meals, each meal weighing 400g. One Thermobox was equipped with Thermoboost and Thermoshield, the other Thermobox just contained the four meals. Meals were taken out of boxes at intervals (see graph below) to replicate a real meals on wheels type of delivery situation.
Date: 2nd June 2008
Time 11:30 a.m.
The top row of readings below show that with the Thermoboost and a Thermoshield inside the Thermoboxes, the length of time the water stayed above the 63°C limit was over two hours, almost double the time without the Thermoboost and Thermoshield.
Thermobox Thermoboost and Thermoshield Information